Case Study/ Learning Technology

Reinventing Legacy Products with Future-ready eLearning Solutions

Endpoints Icon

100% migration
from CD-ROM format to eLearning

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40+ interactive templates
for streamlined content creation

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1000+ content pages
migrated to standardized XML formats

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Transformed a CD-ROM-based English language CBT into a centralized, web-based eLearning platform.

Reduced deployment costs and improved user experience with modernized, interactive content.

Automated content publishing processes, enabling quick updates and scalability.

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Business Benefits


The client, a developer of interactive spoken English computer-based training (CBT) product, faced several significant obstacles due to the outdated nature of their product. CD-ROM-based delivery was an obsolete format and was no longer competitive against web-based eLearning solutions. Physical distribution and support costs were high and unsustainable. The legacy authoring system also required specialized programmers, who were increasingly difficult to find and retain, creating a skills shortage. Competitors offered superior web-based products, leading to a steady decline in sales.


Vidyatech executed a comprehensive modernization project to address these challenges:

Comprehensive Course analysis: Evaluated the existing CBT to identify inefficiencies and develop new features tailored to user needs.

Centralized eLearning platform: Designed a web portal that provided learner management, eLearning course delivery, learning plan management, product license management, and detailed reporting.

Interactive templates: Developed over 40 interactive models, simplifying the creation of engaging multimedia content.

Content migration: Seamlessly migrated thousands of pages from various legacy formats to a unified XML format, ensuring consistency and scalability.

Automated workflows: Streamlined the creation and publishing of interactive content, reducing the reliance on technical skills for updates.

Business Benefits and Impacts

The modernization effort produced tangible and lasting benefits for the client:

Simplified deployment: The web-based system eliminated the need for physical delivery, dramatically reducing costs and operational complexity.

Significant cost savings: Transition to web-based delivery cut deployment and support expenses drastically, contributing to higher profitability.

Improved user satisfaction: Enhanced interactivity and accessibility drove positive user experiences and increased adoption, thereby boosting sales.

Faster updates: Course modifications became quicker and easier, requiring minimal technical skills and taking minutes instead of days.

Revived business growth: The improved product regained market competitiveness in the eLearning space, ultimately leading to the client’s successful business sale to a major content publisher.

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