Our products and services have helped customers experience:

4x Increase

Alert Handling Capacity

Automated incident distribution, routing, and
follow up enables higher volume handling

90% Reduction

Reporting Efforts

Regular and ad hoc reports through
automation makes timely reporting a non-issue

80% Reduction

Quarantined Email Release Time

Automated email incident assignment, efficient
release by business after documenting rationale

60% Improvement

Meeting SLAs

Seamless involvement of business in
incident management improves SLA performance

DashMagiq® suite of products and services can be customized at any point to meet your dynamic organizational needs for managing GRC.
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DLP Workflow

An add-on to your existing DLP systems that helps in resolving DLP incidents quickly and efficiently with customized remediation workflows and process orchestration.

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Unified Management Console (UMC)

A secure and scalable, specialty middleware that pulls in near real-time data from various monitoring tools to customizable role-specific dashboards.

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Policy Governance Workflow

Enables business stakeholders to review and recommend changes in policies.

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Email Quarantine Workflow

Automatically routes quarantined emails for timely review and release by business teams.

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Patch Management Compliance

A solution that orchestrates patch management systems, vulnerability scanners, and custom workflows to ensure efficient patch compliance.

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Risk Mitigation ToolBox

A collection of tools that help mitigate cybersecurity risks to your organization.

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DLP Implementation & Policy Finetuning

Expert service to seamlessly implement your new Data Loss Prevention software or finetune policies of your existing DLPs for improved security.

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Custom Integration

Expert service to integrate disparate products into seamless solutions using a variety of automation and orchestration tools.

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Get real-time visibility into various threat vectors and attacks that are active in your endpoints and network devices with the help of existing EDR/XDR technologies.

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Threat Hunting

Our Threat Hunters can apply a focused and iterative approach to detect and remove cyber threats that may have evaded traditional security tools.

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Evidence Capture

A smart tool that works in the background and captures video evidence of incidents for later investigation by cyber forensics professionals.

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Email Encryption

Encrypt emails with sensitive data for PCI compliance without having to quarantine or delete the emails.

Make your business stronger with DashMagiq®

Some typical problems we have solved for our clients

Optimizing DLP Alert Resolution for the Banking Sector

A major bank faced significant challenges with delays due to the tedious process of manual assignment of DLP alerts and follow-ups across multiple branches and departments, leading to poor SLA adherence and lengthy alert resolution times.
Vidyatech provided comprehensive solutions to these challenges with the deployment of DashMagiq® for 130,000+ endpoints. All alerts were automatically routed to appropriate authorities for review and action and reminders and escalations helped improve the SLA scores. Simple business friendly questionnaire ensured automatic documentation to easily process compliance audits. Manual re-assignment capabilities were introduced both from the SOC Analyst dashboard and the Manager workflow. The implementation of a Policy Governance module enabled end users to request policy or rule exemptions. Customized method to process alerts for group or generic user IDs ensured no slippage in alert investigations and timely resolution.
The alert backlog is now eliminated, and policy rule exemptions now get authorized and implemented within an hour. Overall, this led to a more robust alert resolution system.

Transforming Government Cybersecurity Operations

A leading APAC country’s Government IT Body (GIB), tasked with spearheading cybersecurity and ICT policies for the Government departments under its supervision, approached us with several challenges associated with the tedious task of analyzing approximately 10 million incidents generated every month.
After deploying DashMagiq® Incident Response Workflow Automation, the GIB could automate rule-based processing and closure of alerts in DashMagiq® as well as the DLP and visually analyze incidents on the DashMagiq® custom dashboards. We also enabled filtering of 1 million incidents that needed genuine attention from the approximately 10 million generated monthly. Dashboards with incident data of up to 1 year were available for review, neatly classified in monthly tables, with department-wise separation, unlike in the DLP dashboards. Monthly Automatic Report Generation for DLP incidents, monthly user data and consolidated billing reports, and seamless integration with their ServiceNow system to automate policy application on endpoints- all revolutionized the GIB’s overall functioning.
DashMagiq® was configured here to handle up to 150 million incidents every year. Now, SLA is at 100% with automatic rule-based closures.

Automated DLP IR Workflow

The Data Loss Prevention (DLP) system of a large bank produced very large number of incidents. The Info Security team of the bank was overwhelmed with the surge of incidents and wanted a way to automate the remediation process workflow for efficiency. DashMagiq® DLP Workflow was deployed to automatically distribute and route the incidents to the authorized managers and other stakeholders based on custom rules. Using DashMagiq® business groups with no technical skills on DLP software, could investigate and remediate the incidents. DashMagiq® DLP Workflow made it possible for the bank to optimize incident remediation cost and efficacy by effective routing and quick resolution. With DashMagiq®, incidents are tracked from creation to closure.

Quarantined Email Review Workflow

Business leaders in a large financial institution were upset because critical business emails were getting blocked by the DLP. DashMagiq® Email Quarantine Workflow was deployed to enable the business groups to review their quarantined emails and release after adding their comments to the incident. When an email is quarantined, DashMagiq® automatically alerts the sender’s manager (or a specific stakeholder) whose responses drive the deletion or release of the email. Email Quarantine Workflow made it possible for business teams to quickly and seamlessly review and take decisions on quarantined emails while the DLP managers were able to retain strong DLP email policies to mitigate the risks.

Policy Governance Workflow

A large bank needed a method for business groups to review and recommend edits to DLP policies that impact them. DashMagiq® Policy Governance Workflow does that and more for them. It provides a workflow that enables business to select specific policies and recommend edits. After a policy edit is approved by the policy owner, DashMagiq® RPA bots automatically update the policy in the DLP solution’s console. If any policy edits are done by a user directly in the DLP solution, DashMagiq® reports that as a potential unapproved edit. Audit trail for all DLP policy updates is maintained automatically. This was critical for the bank’s compliance to the standards set by the central bank. Policy Governance Workflow is also called automated Maker Checker Workflow for policy updates.

Unified Realtime Dashboards

A large telecom giant had invested in various Cyber Defence monitoring services for independent real time feeds that the IT team summarized and formatted according to the needs of the management. However, these reports had to be changed repeatedly depending on the situation and the level of management demanding the information. This took a lot of time, and the report was usually out-of-date by the time it was presented to the management. DashMagiq® Unified Management Console (UMC) was deployed to provide a unified dashboard that automatically merged the numerous feeds into a variety of near-real-time reports that made sense to the manager logged into the UMC. Custom layouts and drill down data dimensions in the dashboards help serve information to the right roles at the right time with the right granularity.

Extending Patch Management

A large enterprise wanted to have a holistic picture of their patch compliance; they also wanted to extend their Patch Management Product to handle Ubuntu and Debian systems as well. DashMagiq® Patch Management Compliance product was deployed to automate the patch compliance process. The solution used the customer’s existing vulnerability scanner, Patch Management software, and patching process to provide a complete patching process orchestration. DashMagiq® patch agents extended the patching capabilities of their existing Patch Management software to include Ubuntu and Debian systems. DashMagiq® Unified Management Console provided a single screen to manage and report everything related to the compliance process. DashMagiq® made it easy for even junior resources to run the patching process.

Ransomware Drills

A large BPO wanted to run surprise drills to check if their employees were alert to ransomware attacks. Ransomware Simulator tool from DashMagiq® Risk Mitigation Toolbox simulated a ransomware attack for 5-10 seconds and then released the victim’s computer. For the drill, the IT team mimicked the methods used by hackers to trap victims. The report generated by Ransomware Simulator enabled the organization to provide focused retraining for the employees who fell into the trap during the drill.

CS Product Integration

A large enterprise wanted to track the vulnerabilities detected by their Vulnerability scanner in their existing Ticketing system. Vidyatech developed a middleware framework to integrate the cybersecurity product with the ticketing system to enable seamless communication between the two systems.


Slide 1

The Hidden Cost of DLP Incidents - Financial Fallout, Operational Challenges and the Way Forward

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Slide 2

Empowering Cybersecurity Resilience: A Case Study in Enhanced Incident Management with DashMagiq

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Slide 3

Features of Automated DLP Incident Remediation

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Slide 4

Your DLP Implementation Is Incomplete without Automated Incident Remediation

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Multiple DLPs and the Road Ahead

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